Problem with Remove Characters function

Hi, since version, when I want to remove a set of characters from a list of filenames in BRU, when I click on the raise number pointer by the 'From' box (Section 5), BRU removes the whole filename in the new name column, then adds in the filename characters one by one from the start, as the numbers are clicked up.
In previous versions, it used to keep showing the full filename in the new window column and delete only the first character you scrolled up to, leaving the previous characters still showing, then you'd use the 'To' button to delete the rest and actually see what you were getting before clicking Rename. Surely this is the way it should work? The current method just doesn't work at all for me, it doesn't seem possible to visually select a set of characters to remove and see what the result is going to be before you apply the Rename action. Thanks for any help
In previous versions, it used to keep showing the full filename in the new window column and delete only the first character you scrolled up to, leaving the previous characters still showing, then you'd use the 'To' button to delete the rest and actually see what you were getting before clicking Rename. Surely this is the way it should work? The current method just doesn't work at all for me, it doesn't seem possible to visually select a set of characters to remove and see what the result is going to be before you apply the Rename action. Thanks for any help