Access denied ext HD (64bit)

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Access denied ext HD (64bit)

Postby jarhtmd » Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:39 am

I have about 3200 files on an external HD. I've used both BRU 32bit (on desktop) & 64bit (on laptop) for renaming these files. Suddenly, BRU 64bit cannot rename files on the ext HD. I get "(filename) could not be renamed. Error code: access denied." I can rename files on the C drive w/o problems. I can rename files using Vista. BRU 32bit continues to renames files on the ext HD when it's attached to the desktop.

The WinXP desktop is old & slooooow. I was making great progress after switching to the Vista laptop, but that came to a screeching halt.

I've tried turning off/on, etc w/o success. I can't think of anything else to try. Any other suggestions? I'm really new to Vista. Could this be Vista related? Like having to give permission (twice) when moving files from folder to folder, etc? Does switching between XP & Vista cause problems?

jun-20-09 EDIT: I un-installed & re-installed BRU 64bit, but it still is denied access when trying to rename files on the external HD.
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Re: Access denied ext HD (64bit)

Postby Admin » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:41 pm

This could be the solution, it's a Vista issue:
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Re: Access denied ext HD (64bit)

Postby Steelbreeze10 » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:02 pm

Any update on this issue?
I just downloaded this program and am late to the party, and quite the newby, so please forgive me in advance for any stupid question..

My problem is as follows:
I have recently switched my entire company directory over to Dropbox so one of my colleagues can work remotely when necessary. I created a standard client folder with an extensive subfolder structure so that when a new client signs up, their project folder looks exactly the same as all others for consistency. The name of the parent folder and all child folders has the prefix [ClientLastName] with the appropriate suffix based upon folder content. There's like 60 folders, maybe more. So I like this program because it allows me to batch rename the folder and all subfolders at once.

However, when I attempted this for the first time, it renamed all but about 7 of the subfolders. I'm getting the 'access denied' error on those. I've tried right-clicking and viewing the properties, which indicated that one of the subfolders and all its subfolders were read-only. Disabling that did not fix the issue. I then tried to manually change the prefix name and was able to do so without hesitation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I checked out the solution above, but am not comfortable changing anything in my registry. Plus, that solution is over 4 years old and from a different, albeit similar, OS, so there's no guarantee it will achieve the same success.

I'm running Win7x64.

I would add a screenshot of my dialog box, but am not sure how to do so on here either.

Thanks in advance.

**Edit: I restarted my computer and went back to BRU. All renames were executed seamlessly. Must've taken the restart to reset permissions. DUH!!
Funny how that's always the last option tried, but mostly the one the works. (of course it's the last option I tried; why would I keep trying to solve a problem that's already been solved?!?!)
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