Question about "Enhanced Title" option

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Question about "Enhanced Title" option

Postby MyTimeNow » Fri Oct 18, 2024 8:46 pm

Can you tell what words do not get capitalized when choosing "Enhanced Title" case? Here's why I would the list of small words BRU uses internally:

I was renaming files from a list of 851. My goal was to fix small words that were capitalized and shouldn't have been.The words I fixed were:

A, An, And, Of, Or, The

I searched for each word by putting a space before and after them in the replace cell of Replace(3).
Example: " A " to replace with " a ".

Being basically lazy about repetitive commands, I don't re-write the entire entries, I just change the part that changes.
Example: Change Replace field from " A " to " An " by just adding an "n".
Then make the same change to the With field.

I do this when the filename is correct with these small corrections needed. Using the Case(4) box, setting it to Enhanced Title could make undesirable changes to special filename. Using Replace(3) as I do avoids this. when renaming hundreds of files at once, saving me from having to locate the special names and adjusting them separately.

Yesterday, when adjusting the With field, I accidentally removed the end space before renaming.
Example: " an"

The worst part is that mistake carried through more changes as I didn't notice until I thought I was done. The method I used to fix it ended up searching for and changing words that started one of the six letter combinations and adding a space. However, that changed title words that I wanted left alone.
Example: searching for " the" and changing it to " the ", also changed the words "There" to "the re". Its amazing how many instances like this had been effected.

I painstakingly went through by hand all 851 filenames to find out where the new errors were and changed them by hand. Once they were all fixed, I decided to write a RegEx that will look for the list of small words and change them in one command, thereby eliminating the opportunity to make the same mistake again. I can do that RegEx command, that's not a problem.

I just thought if there are other words to look for besides just "A, An, And, Of, Or, The", I'll add them to the list as well, for a completeness.

I tried to figure out these words by online searching "title structure" and found several differing methods. I thought since BRU has that figured out already, I could use the exact same criteria in my RegEx code.

Sorry about the lengthy explanation, but I wanted my request to be clear.

Thanks in advance,
Mike :)
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:04 am

Re: Question about "Enhanced Title" option

Postby Admin » Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:10 am

Hi Mike!

There is more info in the help file about Title Case Enhanced:

Title Enhanced - converts all the words to initial caps. A word is generally defined as a string of letters proceeded by a space or a bracket or a dash. So "joe public.txt" would become "Joe Public.txt". For Title Enhanced, the words a, an, and, as, at, but, by, en, for, if, in, nor, of, on, or, per, the, to, v, vs, via are not capitalized unless they are at the start or at the end of a sentence. More exceptions can be specified using 'Exceptions', see below for more details.

You can enter a list of "exceptions", separated by colons. So for example if you entered PHP:ASP:doc then any occurrence of php or ASP (or pHP or aSp) would be converted to upper-case, and every occurrence of DOC (or DoC) would become doc. You can also use spaces to identify words: for example, : book : would always lower-case the text 'book' when preceded and followed by a space.
NOTE: Click on to open the multiple exceptions editor, where you can enter multiple exceptions easily.

Exceptions for Title Enhanced:
Title Case Enhanced supports additional exception types. You can specify an exception that is a word using the character $. For example using $between will result in the word 'between' not being capitalized unless they are at the start or at the end of a sentence. You can also specify multiple words: $between:$under. You can mix them with non-words exceptions (see above): $between:$under:PHP:ASP:doc

For Title Case Enhanced you can also specify words that you always want to have in upper case, for example, $BOOK:$DISK. They can all be combined: $between:$under:PHP:ASP:doc:$BOOK:$DISK .

Other Special Tags in Exceptions:

Exceptions can also contain additional tags that have a special meaning:

· <clear> : can only be used with Title Enhanced. It clears all the default words that are not to be capitalized unless they are at the start or at the end.
The default words are: a, an, and, as, at, but, by, en, for, if, in, nor, of, on, or, per, the, to, v, vs, via.

· <ic> : can only be used with Title Enhanced. Ignore all words that are all caps, do not change capitalization for them.

· <rnlo> : lower case all Roman Numerals regardless. Applicable to all Case types.

· <rnup> : upper case all Roman Numerals regardless. Applicable to all Case types. For example, if you had a file called "Beethoven's niNTH syMPHONY part iii", you might want to use Title Case to format the filename, but this would impact the "iii". Specify <rnup> in the Exceptions to upper case all Roman Numerals.

Exception Examples:
PHP:ASP:doc: book : DISK : iPhone
Site Admin
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Re: Question about "Enhanced Title" option

Postby MyTimeNow » Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:28 pm

Admin wrote:There is more info in the help file about Title Case Enhanced:

Thank you very much! :D That is exactly what I was looking for.

I'd like to be able to say I won't need the info for future, but I know me too well. ;) I caused my own problem by not paying enough attention. Seems to be the norm for me when I think a task is very simple. I rarely mess up the more difficult projects as I need to stay focused.

Much obliged.
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:04 am

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