Can you tell what words do not get capitalized when choosing "Enhanced Title" case? Here's why I would the list of small words BRU uses internally:
I was renaming files from a list of 851. My goal was to fix small words that were capitalized and shouldn't have been.The words I fixed were:
A, An, And, Of, Or, The
I searched for each word by putting a space before and after them in the replace cell of Replace(3).
Example: " A " to replace with " a ".
Being basically lazy about repetitive commands, I don't re-write the entire entries, I just change the part that changes.
Example: Change Replace field from " A " to " An " by just adding an "n".
Then make the same change to the With field.
I do this when the filename is correct with these small corrections needed. Using the Case(4) box, setting it to Enhanced Title could make undesirable changes to special filename. Using Replace(3) as I do avoids this. when renaming hundreds of files at once, saving me from having to locate the special names and adjusting them separately.
Yesterday, when adjusting the With field, I accidentally removed the end space before renaming.
Example: " an"
The worst part is that mistake carried through more changes as I didn't notice until I thought I was done. The method I used to fix it ended up searching for and changing words that started one of the six letter combinations and adding a space. However, that changed title words that I wanted left alone.
Example: searching for " the" and changing it to " the ", also changed the words "There" to "the re". Its amazing how many instances like this had been effected.
I painstakingly went through by hand all 851 filenames to find out where the new errors were and changed them by hand. Once they were all fixed, I decided to write a RegEx that will look for the list of small words and change them in one command, thereby eliminating the opportunity to make the same mistake again. I can do that RegEx command, that's not a problem.
I just thought if there are other words to look for besides just "A, An, And, Of, Or, The", I'll add them to the list as well, for a completeness.
I tried to figure out these words by online searching "title structure" and found several differing methods. I thought since BRU has that figured out already, I could use the exact same criteria in my RegEx code.
Sorry about the lengthy explanation, but I wanted my request to be clear.
Thanks in advance,