Differentiate Multiple Sources / camera model

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Differentiate Multiple Sources / camera model

Postby brmwhitmill » Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:45 pm

My wife and I use our phones for taking pictures. They are the same manufacturer and model. How can I tell them apart? I want to be able to merge the input but be able to tell where it came from. If it's possible, I would set a field after unloading from the phone but prior to merging them? Or is there just some field that I'm missing.
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Re: Differentiate Multiple Sources

Postby Admin » Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:18 am

You can add camera model to the photo name to distinguish them:

Add (7)

Add a fixed prefix or suffix to the filename, and certain Exif and ID3 tags.
This section allows you to add a fixed text string to the start of the filename (Prefix) and/or a fixed text string to the end of a filename (Suffix). Useful for renaming MP3 files, where you can prefix all the filenames with the artist or album name. You can also insert a text string at any point in the filename.
You may also choose to add a "Word Space". This will insert a space before any capital letter (except the first character), unless there's a space already there. So, the name "MyHoliday Photographs" would become "My Holiday Photographs".

EXIF Tags: If you are processing JPEG files or other image files that support EXIF, you can also extract and add certain EXIF tags.
These are specified using substitution tags, which you key into the Prefix, Insert or Suffix boxes. The tags supported are:

%a - Aperture

%c - Comments

%e - Exposure

%f - Focal Length

%xb - Exposure Bias

%ma - Camera Make

%mo - Camera Model

Windows File Properties:

All Windows File Properties tags are also supported in Add (7).
They can be added as text, number or as a formatted date to a file name. See the Help file.
Site Admin
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Re: Differentiate Multiple Sources / camera model

Postby clintsinspace » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:17 pm

Does this work???

I cannot get this option to work AT ALL.
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Re: Differentiate Multiple Sources / camera model

Postby clintsinspace » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:18 pm

None of those EXIF tags work - and yes the file has the data.
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Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:15 pm

Extract exif data

Postby Luuk » Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:08 am

@clintsinspace: Please to put a checkmark inside for the menu... "Renaming Options, ID3 / Exif Date / File Properties, Extract Exif Data".
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