Move files with specific extension

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Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:43 pm

If this is in the wrong section please move this post.

I'm trying to move all files with .bin extension to another folder. How would I do that if the .bin are all in different folders for example:


I tried using the match field using *.bin command in Games folder then point to the destination folder using the Move/Copy field but it doesn't move all my .bin files, just a few of them. How do I get this to work?
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby Luuk » Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:12 am

Inside Filters(12), should also put checkmark in "Subfolder" to also conduct all of the sub folders.
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:39 am

Luuk wrote:Inside Filters(12), should also put checkmark in "Subfolder" to also conduct all of the sub folders.

I have that selected along with Folders and files but for some reason it's trying to append ".bin" to the files parent folder, then move the parent folder to the destination folder. I dont understand why it's doing this.
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:16 am

The subfolders options isn't working the way it's supposed to. If I select the folder where the .bin files reside, then it displays all .bin files in that folder with my filters(12) set to "files" and "subfolders". If I select the parent folder, which holds all the child folders that holds the .bin files then I get no results. For example

Games / abc / abc.bin

Bulk Rename Utility shows no results


Bulk Rename finds all .bin files within abc

I'm looking to have Bulk Rename start it's search at my Games folder and searching all it's subfolders for all files ending in .bin
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby Luuk » Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:39 am

To search C:\Path\To\Games and all subfolders for *.bin ...

Filters(12) needs checkmark only in "Files" and "Subfolder" with *.bin inside the "Mask"..
Then click the blue-arrows by "Mask", or click C:\Path\To\Games in the folder tree.
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:11 am

Luuk wrote:To search C:\Path\To\Games and all subfolders for *.bin ...

Filters(12) needs checkmark only in "Files" and "Subfolder" with *.bin inside the "Mask"..
Then click the blue-arrows by "Mask", or click C:\Path\To\Games in the folder tree.

I did that and I still get 0 objects (0 selected). I have all other options such as regex(1), name(2), replace(3) etc. unchecked and their fields empty. This should work but for some reason it isn't for me
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby Luuk » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:44 am

For auto select, there is "Actions, List, Auto-Select".
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:33 am

Still 0 results.
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby Luuk » Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:42 am

There is also checkmark for "Hidden".
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:57 am

This is specifically a .bin issue. I also have .zip files in the same subfolders of Games. Using the same criteria I filtered *.zip finds all zip files in every subfolder of Games. So is there a conflict with the program and .bin files?
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby Luuk » Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:27 am

My version conducts the same with *.bin or *.zip or *bin *.zip for both, except must wait longer if its many files to search.
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:51 pm

Luuk wrote:My version conducts the same with *.bin or *.zip or *bin *.zip for both, except must wait longer if its many files to search.

I figured it out. My path name was too long so it caused some issues when searching for some file types. I found out b/c I tiredd copying some files from my internal hdd to my external hdd where the games folder exists and windows wouldn't allow it b/c the destination path was too long. I figured this might be why BRU was having that weird issue so I moved my folders to the root of my external hdd to shorten the path name. It's all good now. Thanks for the help @luuk
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby KayKay » Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:18 pm

Now I could use some more help lol. How do I move folders and the files within the folders with a specific name to a new destination? I want all folders with(USA) in the name and it's files to be moved to a folder named USA. I have BRU starting at Games folder, filters(12) set to *(USA)* with Folders and subfolders checked. All it's doing is creating folder names that include (USA) to my new destination but not including none of the files within the folders in the new destination. The folders and files in them remain in the old destination. I do not have "Copy not Move" selected under "Copy/Move to location(13)"

Example: Start search at Games folder

Blah/Games/abc(USA)/all its files
Blah/Games/def(USA)/and its files

Moved to:

Blah/USA/abc(USA)/all its files
Blah/USA/def(USA)/all its files
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Re: Move files with specific extension

Postby Luuk » Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:24 am

The Copy/Move(13) only moves "FolderName" or "Files" to the new location, but never "FolderName+Contents". There is a 'folderize' option to conduct like this, but it only moves folders deeper or upward in relative directions. Its inside the menu "Renaming Options, Advanced, Allow Using '\' in Renaming Criteria".

So if wanting to move "Folder+Contents" like this...
C:\Blah\Games\abc(USA)\* ===> C:\Blah\USA\abc(USA)\*
C:\Blah\Games\def(USA)\* ===> C:\Blah\USA\def(USA)\*

You can use something like Add(7) Prefix with ..\USA\ to move "Folder+Contents". One day Im hoping the menu says "Allow Using '\' or ':' in Renaming Criteria" to grant using full paths! Im thinking Javascript(14) is the only way to grant "Folder+Content" movement into "full paths" instead of moving them "relative"?
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