DXO's PhotoLab + Bulk Rename Utility

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DXO's PhotoLab + Bulk Rename Utility

Postby Admin » Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:14 am

I used to be a very active hobbyist landscape photographer, so I have a library of about a quarter-million images. While I mostly photograph my kids these days, having a unique file name starting with the date and time of capture is still a crucial part of my library and workflow.

Inserting the date as a prefix was easily handled on import into Lightroom Classic, but DXO's PhotoLab, my new LR replacement, doesn't include an import as part of its workflow. So while it's a massive under-use of the program, every time I dump new photos into my library, I use BRU's Auto Date (8), and then Add (7) a hyphen between the date and the original file name (at pos. -9).

I used to use the app only rarely, but since migrating to PhotoLab, I'm now using it enough to remember to check the "Cent." box each time, and I figured it was time to donate. Now it's time to learn how to script and save that action!

Thanks again for making a great app!

Feedback from a Bulk Rename Utility user! 8)
Site Admin
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Re: DXO's PhotoLab + Bulk Rename Utility

Postby Rober-Toe » Wed Nov 02, 2022 3:21 pm

(It's election season and I'm giving out endorsements...)

Actually, I've had this app installed for years, but really only used it for a one-time recovery project until recently. Now, it's a much-appreciated part of my photo workflow.

Thanks, Matt!
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:38 pm

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