File Selection

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File Selection

Postby kmanuele » Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:42 am

Newbie here, and maybe I am missing something.

If I have a folder with files that I want to process -- say with 'X' in their name for example. It seems that BRU expects me to select all (or a group) of those files first, before BRU will do its thing. A result of this is that many files end up as "Same" (in the Preview), but still selected. This is ok for renaming files.

But if I only want to move those files (rather than renaming), BRU moves all the files -- because I have selected all of them to be processed.

If I set the selection criteria first, why can't BRU select only those files for processing leaving the others un-selected --- so I can move only those files?

Or, have an option that excludes "Same" files from any moves?

Again, I might be missing an existing feature.


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Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:09 am

Re: File Selection

Postby therube » Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:42 pm

If you select the files first - from within some other program (Windows Explorer or Everything or ...), you can drag said files into BRU.

That way BRU will only have that specific set of pre(selected) files that it will operate on.

Otherwise, from within BRU, 12:Filters may help.
So a Mask: of *X* might do it for you.
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