Thanks for your efforts, Jim!

Would you like Bulk Rename Command to offer new functionality? Post your comments here!

Thanks for your efforts, Jim!

Postby KHL » Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:03 am

I don't know whether I'll ever use BRC, as I'm not familiar at all with the command line, but thanks anyway for your tremendous work throughout the BRU project.
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Postby Admin » Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:56 am

No problem.

The command-line is extremely powerful, much much more powerful than the GUI. I tend to use commnand-line driven tools much more often than GUI tools, as you can create .cmd files to run the same things repeatedly, and of course you can schedule them.

The webserver that's running this BRU website doesn't even have a GUI; everything is done via the command line :-)

Site Admin
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Postby KHL » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:59 am

As you're such a command line specialist, do you know a tweak that deletes all the commands previously keyed into the command box in the start menu?

I've done some small improvements to my office machine's registry and don't want our IT recognize that I've ever used regedit.
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Postby Stefan » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:41 am

KHL wrote:As you're such a command line specialist,
do you know a tweak that deletes all the commands previously keyed
into the command box in the start menu?

May i answer?
Such history lists calls "MRU"
If you search the registry for MRU (Keys) you will find a lot.

The one you search here is called "RunMRU".
You will find it under:

You will find this two times (well three times with HKLM one too)

One under HKCU (the above)
and one under HKU (HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-123 a-lot-of-numbers-here\)
But the first is only a "run time" copy from the later.
If you modify one of them... the other will modified automatically.

There're tools how can help you cleaning those tracks.
One nice little stand alone tool is e.g. "ClearProg" (multi language)


I've done some small improvements to my office machine's registry
and don't want our IT recognize that I've ever used regedit.

You bad bad boy!
1. Click the Start button.
2. Select "Run..." from the menu.
3. Type cmd in the window and click OK or press the Enter key.
4. Type regedit in the new black "command line window" (older name: DOS-Box)
Voila... no more tracks about bad boy in the "run box" ;-)

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Postby KHL » Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:29 pm

Yes, I'm a bad bad boy.

That's what I've always been told by my mother and what I'm told by my wife, too...

Have only disabled the RecentDocsMenu, accelerated the MenuShowDelay and other slight changes, so my machine isn't harmed at all, yet...

Thanks for your quick response, Stefan.
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Location: Germany

Postby Stefan » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:42 am

KHL wrote:Thanks for your quick response, Stefan.

You're welcome.
And did it helps you?
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Location: Germany, EU

Postby KHL » Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:09 am

Not really, as since I've disabled the RecentDocsMenu in the registry, there is no entry anymore at the command box within the startmenu, so I did not need to try it your way. It may have been deleted by the system itself, don't know.

Thanks anyway. I'm fairly sure I'll need to come back to your instructions someday...
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Re: Thanks for your efforts, Jim!

Postby bblackmoor » Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:26 pm

Thanks for BRC. I have been addicted to BRU for years, and was getting really tired of manually cleaning up my files. Now I have a batch file with a hundred or so BRC commands in it, that cleans up my files in one fell swoop! It's great. Thanks.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:25 am

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