BRC does not set RA attributes

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BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Blackkatt » Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:31 am

Hi, there's a bug with BRC! (latest version)

When trying to set RA attributes. They are not set if

Code: Select all
%BRC% /dir:%1 /recursive /nofolders /setr /pattern:"*.nfo.*" /EXECUTE

Only if...
Code: Select all
%BRC% /dir:%1 /recursive /nofolders /removename /setr /pattern:"*.nfo.*" /EXECUTE

update, this also works...trying them all so i'll update as I go :mrgreen:
Code: Select all
%BRC% /dir:%1 /recursive /nofolders /STRIPSYMBOLS /setr /pattern:"*.nfo.*" /EXECUTE

this one i can live with so it's not hurry any more :wink:
Code: Select all
%BRC% /dir:%1 /recursive /nofolders /STRIPSYMBOLS /setr /pattern:"*.nfo.*" /PREFIX:_DEL_ /EXECUTE

witch cases a hole bunch of other issues, :cry:

PS: Did send a e-mail as well, as i need fast fix "support" :)
Last edited by Blackkatt on Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby truth » Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:41 am

BRC wont set a file-attribute, unless theres a resultant OrigFilename change.
The following commandline suffices for your NoRename examples:

Forfiles /p%1 /s /m *.nfo /c "cmd.exe /c attrib +r @file"
It wont touch hidden *.nfo's (presumed, since /InclH omitted from all BRC params)
You may need to edit /p%1, depending on where you test from (command-prompt/regedit/batch)

I guess you could always run 2 consecutive BRC commands, something like:
BRC /dir:%1 /recursive /inclh /nofolders /pattern:*.nfo /setr /suffix:RRR
BRC /dir:%1 /recursive /inclh /inclr /nofolders /pattern:*RRR.nfo /regexp:(.*)RRR$:\1:

Alot of the above depends on whether-or-not you have hidden *.nfo's? Disregard unless needed.
I've a feeling the author intended this behavior, Im unaware of versions that behave differently.
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Re: BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Blackkatt » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:40 am

truth wrote:BRC wont set a file-attribute, unless theres a resultant OrigFilename change.
The following commandline suffices for your NoRename examples:

Forfiles /p%1 /s /m *.nfo /c "cmd.exe /c attrib +r @file"
It wont touch hidden *.nfo's (presumed, since /InclH omitted from all BRC params)
You may need to edit /p%1, depending on where you test from (command-prompt/regedit/batch)

I guess you could always run 2 consecutive BRC commands, something like:
BRC /dir:%1 /recursive /inclh /nofolders /pattern:*.nfo /setr /suffix:RRR
BRC /dir:%1 /recursive /inclh /inclr /nofolders /pattern:*RRR.nfo /regexp:(.*)RRR$:\1:

Alot of the above depends on whether-or-not you have hidden *.nfo's? Disregard unless needed.
I've a feeling the author intended this behavior, Im unaware of versions that behave differently.

Hi Truth!

I think you missed something. I cannot find files like somename.nfo.1 and so on...I use BRC for that and the sets them to read only so that I can with "del" del all read-only files.

PS! my bad, see that I did not write that in the pattern here, i missed that, its in my other thread due.

Any why should it not be possible to just set file-attribute without changing the name? seem kinda dum :|
Last edited by Blackkatt on Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby truth » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:13 am

If someone creates two separate posts/problems, I'll treat them as such.
The solutions offer a workaround to your stated problem of only setting attributes of a particular file-match.

As far as why the author may have intended this, I cant say, (perhaps it was designed as a renamer)?
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Re: BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby Blackkatt » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:21 pm

truth wrote:As far as why the author may have intended this, I cant say, (perhaps it was designed as a renamer)?

Then why have the option? Thx for the workaround :)
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BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby truth » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:51 pm

Probably to give BRC more control over its renames??

Now that I've read both posts, it seems you dont need a workaround:
Forfiles /m *.nfo.? /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file"
It matches filenames ending as .nfo.? & deletes them (no need for attribute-tagging).

In this case, your batchline would be similiar to:
Forfiles /p%1 /s /m *.nfo.? /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file"

Note that I'm still guessing here, because I dont know if .nfo.?? is another possible format to be deleted?
Only you know that, and if you're not willing to clearly state it, thats your choice.
Your other post's codes: 6/7/8 only serve to confuse, not clarify that filename condition, no more guessing for me.
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Re: BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby Blackkatt » Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:22 am

truth wrote:Now that I've read both posts, it seems you dont need a workaround:
Forfiles /m *.nfo.? /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file"
It matches filenames ending as .nfo.? & deletes them (no need for attribute-tagging).

In this case, your batchline would be similiar to:
Forfiles /p%1 /s /m *.nfo.? /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file"

Yes, that works thx. Then Forfiles does not use the same "wildcards" as find and the others, as doing the "same" *.nfo.? won't work OR any other combination I mention in my other thread, witch you've read)
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BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby truth » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:25 am

Glad it works.
Had the other thread been merely edit#14/code#3 & nothing else, you'd have gotten an entirely different answer.
But when you edit posts with diff batchlines, we've no idea which|version batch you're now talking about?
That leaves waayy too much open, you should expect requests for clarification, not condemn them.

That thread's 'current' prob is BRCs sort-option used with /recursive before renaming/outputting.
I'm not getting into it, because the moment I do, edit#15 comes along pretending something else.
The forums are to help people, not set them up for some kind of personal attack.
I dont even mind the insults, but I wont take part in confusing them.
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Re: BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Blackkatt » Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:15 am

Hi, actually, I think its as simple as you do not get it! Like I said, I bent myself backwards trying different ways of explaining but to no avail!
I give you that at first when I began (in the other thread) by explaining possible reason for the output issue, then went on explaining what comes before the output it was a bit confusing!

But after rearranging the order and further went in to more detail explaining after your first rude response. Then you still did not get it, and continued being rude, the outcome of that you know...

Also it makes you look kinda dum when you now "explaining" what a forum is. I think it's kinda obvious I tried all things trying to make you get it, so the issue is with you. And instead of blaming me, you could consider your own behavior. You are extremely rude, and come out like a fat "know it all"
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BRC only sets attributes of renamed files

Postby truth » Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:17 pm

You seem far more worried about attacking someone than solving any problem (as suspected).
Assuming you havent edited it again, the solution is easy worked-around, good luck with it.

To give you the benefit of the doubt, I re-read that 1st comment & I stand by it whole-heartedly.
At that point your posted batchline did NOT funtion per its description!

It was also correct in that you created a situation requiring workarounds (attribute-tagging just to delete).
That code wasnt even necessary, yet took up over 1/2 your post & [/b]still[/b] didnt specify filename-condition!
You wasted all that space, & never even defined it, Was it *.nfo.? *.nfo.?? *.nfo.# Dont answer, I know.
Dont get me wrong, glad forfiles was able to help out, but at the time, that was merely a guess.

There was no way to tell how many redirects touched that file the way you 1st posted & you know it.
You leave out info, if I assume any data: you attack, if I ask: you attack, should've seen it coming.
Lets see: I'm a blind, fat, know-it-all, rude dumb, smart-ass: all for trying to help someone?
Yeah, Im the one with problems... Thread abandoned.
Last edited by truth on Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Blackkatt » Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:26 pm


If you actually read my posts from start to end you'll would have seen that I told you, I don't want your help! Why? You should know by now what I think about you...
It amazing me that you still cant grasp what this thread is actually about!

BRC does not set RA attributes witch is/was entirely true,
Code: Select all
BRC /dir:%1 /recursive /nofolders /pattern:*.nfo.* /setr /execute
should have worked just fine according to the manual! but in reality I was forced to create a workaround with the knowledge I had at the moment.

You then replied

truth wrote:BRC wont set a file-attribute, unless theres a resultant OrigFilename change.
The following commandline suffices for your NoRename examples:

Forfiles /p%1 /s /m *.nfo /c "cmd.exe /c attrib +r @file"
It wont touch hidden *.nfo's (presumed, since /InclH omitted from all BRC params)
You may need to edit /p%1, depending on where you test from (command-prompt/regedit/batch)

First part confirms that it is indeed a bug, if you know the definition of a "bug" - I make it short for you, when something happens thats not suppose to happen. So again, according to the manual my first cmd should have worked, it didn't there by a bug!!!
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Re: BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Admin » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:09 am

The manual says:

The commands detailed below all take place after any renaming operation, and their position within
the command-line arguments is not important.

/SETR - Set the Read-only attribute
/CLEARR - Clear the Read-only attribute
/SETA - Set the Archive attribute
/CLEARA - Clear the Archive attribute
/SETS - Set the System attribute
/CLEARS - Clear the System attribute
/SETH - Set the Hidden attribute
/CLEARH - Clear the Hidden attribute

If you just want to change file attributes of files, but without renaming, just use the Windows standard Attrib command as truth has shown, it's being available forever.
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Re: BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Blackkatt » Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:55 am


Yep, it does say that, my bad!!! I missed that. It don't mater anymore due Ive moved on to an apps that actually evolves, thanks anyways :)

Could you delete/remove me from the forum, as it seems impossible to do by one self, thanks.
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Re: BRC does not set RA attributes

Postby Admin » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:07 am

Hi, no problem, I will do that. thanks
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