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Renumbering starting with no number

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:13 am
by Bad One

Hi, I am trying to figure out a way to renumber files, in such a way that the new filenames start with the first file without any number and then the rest of the files being numbered sequentially starting from 1.

Expalanation: In Media Browser, (In Windows Media Center, Windows 7), backdrops must be named "backdrop, backdrop1, backdrop2, backdrop3...and so on. The first file needs to be without a number and then the rest sequentially starting from 1. Unfortunately, the closest I can come with BRU is to use the option to start with 0, then go back and rename the first file removing the 0.

Numbering all files(except-1st) as FolderName#

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:41 am
by truth
Assuming that you still want ALL files(except-1st) numbered as FolderName#
Your commandline would be:
brc32 /nofolders /removename /appendfolder:p::1 /autonumber:0:1:s:-:10:1 /regexp:(.*)(-0)$:\1 /regexp:(.*)-(\d+)$:\1\2 /execute

Its easy to 'shell-integrate' this if you need it often (as a folder's right-click option)
But it gives NO filtering/warning, so one mis-click could be deadly
I usually put things like this in a batch (only to display the directory & give a final warning)