Copy and rename

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Copy and rename

Postby pan2 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:35 am

I have a lot of movie files in folders named after the movie inside them. For example, a folder named 'Invictus' would contain:

folder.jpg (a small jpg image that shows up in icon view)
Invictus.iso (The actual movie file)
TViX.jpg (a large 1280x720 jpg that is displayed in icon view when you open the folder)

I would like to make a copy of each original TViX.jpg in the folders and add a renamed version with the <foldername>-fanart.jpg but most important - still retain the original with it's existing name (TViX.jpg. This would allow the original fanart (TViX.jpg) to be visible in my old TVIX m6500 and my new HTPC running XBMC. Thus adding to the existing files :

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Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:19 am

Copy particular files, then rename them

Postby truth » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:50 am

BRU was written mainly as a filename changer, not really a copier
Doesnt mean you cant combine BRU with other commands to get your results

If you want to run 1 commandline from ParDir to handle all SubDirs underneath,
the below uses forfiles to copy all tvix.jpg, then BRU renames the copies:
forfiles /s /m tvix.jpg /c "cmd /c copy tvix.jpg tvixcopy.jpg" && brc32 /recursive /pattern:tvixcopy.jpg /removename /appendfolder:p:-:1 /suffix:fanart /execute

Code: Select all
forfiles /s /m tvix.jpg /c "cmd /c copy tvix.jpg tvixcopy.jpg" && brc32 /recursive /pattern:tvixcopy.jpg /removename /appendfolder:p:-:1 /suffix:fanart /execute
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