BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby KB6OJS » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:57 pm

I am having the same problem. BRU x64 in the latest non-Insider version of Windows 10 locks up and eventually crashes every time I use the context menu to run "Bulk Rename here." However, if I install the =x32= version of BRU as a standalone app, and start it up outside the context menu, I can run it fine. However, that means MANUALLY navigating to the folder in which I want to work, which is a considerable inconvenience.

I'm suspecting that if I could somehow manage to "fool" the installer into thinking that it's running in a 32-bit environment rather than 64-bit, I could install the x32 version and have it function properly. I've noticed problems with other apps when running their x64 versions, whereas x32 versions will function properly. It seems Microsoft might have some work on their hands in order to correct some sort of problem between now and the forthcoming Spring Creator's Update due out later this month. (Again, I am NOT using a Windows Insider Preview version in this case.)

I just tried again before writing this post to start BRU from the context menu, and it's been sitting with the "busy" cursor going for about 10 minutes, hasn't "crashed" yet but it might as well have -- it's just sitting there, and eventually I will have to either wait for it to barf or manually kill the process in Task Manager.

If you know of a way to fake-out the installer and let me install the x32 version, even if it's just done as a temporary fix, that might be helpful. Thanks.


PS: Interestingly enough, I =CAN= run BRU x64 from the Start Menu and it works, I just seem unable to start the app from the context menu's "Bulk Rename Here" option. Go figure... However, after I managed to start the program, and moved to my Downloads folder and the "magazines" sub-folder therein, it locked up. The x32 version, started up that same way, does still work. IS there a way to install BRU into the system, with the context menu functioning, as a 32-bit app instead of it defaulting to 64-bit? That would function fine for me for the time being.
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby KB6OJS » Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:55 am

Granted, this is presently a "free" product -- or at least I haven't been forced into a paid registration yet -- but I think a reply to my post sometime sooner than now would have been appropriate. I put my problem up on this forum on March 19th; here it is March 27th, and no reply. :evil:

If a paid registration is what is required for me to obtain some kind of reply, then that should be made clear. Otherwise I would appreciate SOME response from the company's support team regarding the aforementioned problem. At present, the full product is unusable. I can make do by using the stand-alone 32-bit version, but that takes the context-menu option away from me, limiting the product's usability by about half! (I have to start the app, then manually navigate to where I want to work -- with the context menu, I can bring up the app right where I need it. This process takes me about three times as long to get anything done.)

Right now what I need is either a way to fix the problem with the 64-bit version, or a way to force the system to install the 32-bit version in my 64-bit Windows 10 Fall Creators Update environment. Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. //S//
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby Admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:28 am

Hi, sorry for delay. Does it lock up always on the same "magazines" sub-folder ? Still doing now if you navigate to that folder in BRU? What is the full path? thanks!
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby randy_randy » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:21 pm

I have had a few issues where BRU locks up when accessing a particular folder. Turns out that a printscreen file in that folder had a date of 1/1/4501 instead of the actual date. Using file explorer to find the file, right-click properties, details, and change the date to something a little (a lot) less futuristic and then BRU is able to process and list the files in that folder. Not sure the circumstances that result in these future-dated files but it happens regularly enough that its now an automatic thing to look for whenever BRU has issues.
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby therube » Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:02 pm

That is a known issue, BRU 64-bit has stopped working in WinX during extract EXIF.
(And presumably different from all these, generally Win10, "crash" issues.)
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby bitsbybeck » Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:10 am

Great news BRU is working! Did a clean install of windows 10 and so far so good!
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby bitsbybeck » Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:30 pm

This is crazy! I used BRU to test it out after a clean install of Windows 10 and it worked great. Just went to update some files and it WILL NOT RUN! What the heck? I don't get it. Why??? I need this! The program just closes, no error messages, no information boxes, just gone.
Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Date: Friday, June, 15, 2018 3:00:34 PM
Event ID: 1001
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Fault bucket 116106287580, type 5
Event Name: BEX64
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: Bulk Rename Utility.exe
P3: 56b292e5
P4: Bulk Rename Utility.exe
P6: 56b292e5
P7: 00000000009f5658
P8: c0000409
P9: 0000000000000002

Attached files:

These files may be available here:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Bulk Rename Util_aa88cd837a6bdbf66dd82de89326734b5aa658e4_16b7441a_1becfe6d

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: ffee32d1-e61e-42d7-917b-a6ffb3924fe1
Report Status: 268435456
Hashed bucket: cd132ce3fb91ec43d26d902d1c6fcc4e
Cab Guid: 0
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Windows Error Reporting" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1001</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2018-06-15T20:00:34.104651900Z" />
<Security />
<Data>Not available</Data>
<Data>Bulk Rename Utility.exe</Data>
<Data>Bulk Rename Utility.exe</Data>
<Data>C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Bulk Rename Util_aa88cd837a6bdbf66dd82de89326734b5aa658e4_16b7441a_1becfe6d</Data>

What does this mean?
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Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:42 am

Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby rustieolded » Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:54 am

I had a problem when I tried to use BRU today. Microsoft recently installed the 1803 feature update to Windows 10, and when I opened BRU the program froze up when I navigated to a folder with JPEG files. I tried running in compatibility mode for Windows 8, but that didn't work. Patience paid off in the end - the problem went away and it now works. I left BRU running and left the computer for about 20 minutes. When I returned, BRU was working normally! Just another quirk of Windows 10, I guess.
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby mikerowe81 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:43 pm

Just had a similar experience with Windows 10 and can confirm I was also having issues with Windows Explorer.

My solution was to check the "Always show icons, never thumbnails" option in the Folder Options and uncheck the "Show thumbnails instead of icons" in the Windows System Properties --> Performance Options. Then I restarted the Windows Explorer process several times in Task Manager. Then ran BRU with administrative privileges.

What's weird is those options reset themselves, but doing all of those things must have triggered something because Explorer and BRU started working normally. Anyway, hope that helps someone else.
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Re: BRU crashes, can not use! (Windows 10)

Postby teredactle » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:30 am


Thanks for the post, I did the first suggestion out of your two and it fixed my issue as well.
This has been an on and off issue on my side for a long time, likely related to Windows, yet just left unaddressed/unresolved by BRU.
Love the program so I'm glad someone posted a working solution.

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