Changing file name to date created

Bulk Rename Utility How-To's

Changing file name to date created

Postby » Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:14 am

Can somebody please tell me how to change the name of photo files to the dates they were created? For example, a file currently named "birthdayparty1.jpg" which was created on June 1, 2010 would become "20100601.jpg". The next photo taken on the same day could be called "20100601_1.jpg" etc., based on the time they were taken.
Thanks a lot!
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Joined: Sat Dec 18, 2021 6:11 pm

Rename .jpg's to Taken(Original)

Postby Luuk » Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:26 am

If wanting a command-line solution? can use the free exiftool.exe with a command like...
exiftool.exe -ext jpg -fileorder DateTimeOriginal -filename"<${DateTimeOriginal;DateFmt '%Y%m%d'}%+c.%e" "C:\YourFolderPath"

If wanting a bru-graphical solution? first to make sure there is checkmarks inside for both of the menus...
"Renaming Options, ID3/ExifData/FileProperties, Extract Exif Data" and "Renaming Options, Prevent Duplicates".

Filters(12) uses a "Mask" like *.jpg so then to click any folder inside of the folder tree to present only the .jpg files.
To verify all files have a date, sort them by clicking the 'Taken(Original)' column, but make the oldest date 1st, then to use settings like...

Name(2) uses Name==Remove
AutoDate(8) uses Mode==Prefix, Type=Taken(Original), and Custom==%Y%m%d
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