Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

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Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby rducas » Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:55 pm

Hello everybody!

I need to rename these folders, as shown in the screenshot below... with a parenthesis at the end (closing its title); everything is fine... but a dot appears before the parenthesis... which I would not like to appear. How do I resolve this issue? Thanks!


Edit: Posted in the wrong section... I kindly ask the moderators to move this topic to the correct one (BRU Support); as suggested by the user "Luuk".
Last edited by rducas on Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Suffix ( Numbering) to folders

Postby Luuk » Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:05 pm

Its unfortunate, but this question does somehow get posted to the command-line section on the forums?
Instead of using Add(7) with Extensions(11), can just use Numbering(10) with settings like...
Sep== (:)

The ":" just says "numbers", so you can surround it with anything on both sides.
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end

Postby rducas » Wed Aug 17, 2022 7:18 pm

Hi Luuk... a thousand apologies for posting in the wrong forum section! I was in a hurry and I didn't pay attention. This error will not be repeated.

Your suggestion worked perfectly! Thanks a lot for the help!

PS: This software is great!
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Re: Suffix ( Numbering) to folders

Postby rducas » Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:16 am

Luuk wrote:Its unfortunate, but this question does somehow get posted to the command-line section on the forums?
Instead of using Add(7) with Extensions(11), can just use Numbering(10) with settings like...
Sep== (:)

The ":" just says "numbers", so you can surround it with anything on both sides.

Can I use this topic to ask you something else?
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Suffix ( Numbering) to folders

Postby Luuk » Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:46 am

Yes, as long as I can find any of the questions, I will still try to provide the suggestions.
But remember, they will probably move this post to somewhere else, since its not really a command-line question.
Im often changing the title to my posts anyways, just make it easier, when searching through my previous posts.
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby therube » Fri Aug 19, 2022 5:09 pm

Sep== (:)

Good find. (I totally missed that.)
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby rducas » Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:31 pm

Here it is!

Let me try to explain: There're 312 folders representing the collections (with these codenames; "AXX-0000" - as an example), inside each one of them, there're five more folders, representing each Tier (from 1 to 5)... and lastly, inside each Tier folder, there're each artwork folder; with their proper codenames. Right?

As I said before, what I want to do is to insert these numbers after the codenames (wich are the "RID": release ID). There're a total of 680.000 of it. And what I doing till this moment, is going from each Tier folder, and adding 400 at a time. Isn't there a way to queue all these type of folders that I want to rename, and let the computer do the rest?

I read something about using the software called "Everything" to do this, but there was no success... when trying to batch, it says there're to many folders (besides working fine in other ocasions, when I was testing renaming over 15.000 folders at a time).
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby rducas » Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:34 pm

"(besides working fine in other ocasions, when I was testing renaming over 15.000 folders at a time)."; inside the BRU application.
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Matching folders?

Postby Luuk » Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:16 am

@therube... Im wish you are coming back, because now it does seem like Im the one totally missing everything?!!

@rducas... Its unfortunate but I cannot understand the question, what should be inside for these Unknowns?...
G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\G04-076-1987 (139987) ====> G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\Unknown1
G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\G04-076-1988 (139988) ====> G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\Unknown2
G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\G04-076-1989 (139989) ====> G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\Unknown3

The folder-names up above are coming from the picture-link, just so that nobody will need to look at another web-page.
So then maybe someone with better english, can understand what should be the final new-names for all of these folders?

When saying you want to insert "these numbers" after codenames like "AXX-0000", does this mean conducting renames like...
G04-076-1987 (139987) ==> G04-076-these numbers-1987 (139987) but then also, where is "these numbers" coming from??
Or since these folder-names are already (numbered), maybe now you're just needing to fix the trailing (numbers)??

I did also look at the picture with everything.exe, but its only searching... "C:\Users\riede\OneDrive\Area de Trabalho\x".
So its nothing extra about how to conduct a bru-search, except maybe clicking onto the "x" folder inside of the folder-tree.

It does seem like you only want to rename folders that have already been (numbered), because of the last bru-picture.
But its unfortunate, because I cannot understand what should be the final folder-names after everything is completed.
I did try to understand the math, but 312*5*400==624.000, not 680.000 like the post is saying for a total?


So Im just giving suggestions, but its not to be any solution! Its just different methods to experiment with...
If you are only renaming folders, then Filters(12) should not have any checkmark inside for the "Files".

If needing to match folder-names below "x", but only folders beneath a parent-directory like "Tier 1", you might can try...
First clicking the "x" folder, with Filters(12) having checkmarks for "Folders" and "Subfolders" using Lvl==3 and PathMin==65.
This is hoping for folder-paths like in the description, but without having any extra folders, because it starts matching at...

<----------------------- 65 or more characters -------------------------->
C:\Users\riede\OneDrive\Area de Trabalho\x\G04-076 (2000)\Tier 5\G04-076-1987
C:\Users\riede\OneDrive\Area de Trabalho\x\Some-Very-Long-FolderName would also be presented! So its far from perfect.
You could try to fix this by increasing the "65", but really I would probably instead just add some Filters(12) settings like...

Putting a checkmark inside for "RegEx" and "Match Case" with a "Mask" like... ^[A-Z]\d\d-\d{3}(-\d{4}| \(\d{4}\))$
After typing any new Mask, then just click the nearby blue-arrows, and bru will present your matching names.
That match is probably not correct, because it only presents names like... H04-088-2000 -or- H04-089 (2000)

Im uncertain if both should be matched? and wondering if the (numbered) folders should also be presented?
Or maybe for right now, to fix the numbers, you're only wanting to present the (numbered) folders for renaming?
A Mask like ^[A-Z]\d\d-\d{3}(-\d{4}| \(\d{4}\))( \((\d{6,7})\))?$ adds any (numbered) names with 6-or-7 padding.

If you need some better matches, just post samples of which folder-names should-be, or should not-be presented.
With javascript, you can conduct much better filtering, but this almost the best you can do with the free-version.
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby rducas » Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:31 am

Hi Luuk.. I'll record the process with OBS to show you what I'm trying to say.
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby rducas » Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:58 am

The video took a little bit too long, because I recorded the whole process upon a collection folder (but you can jump do the 2 minutes timestamp with you want).

Thank you for helping!
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby rducas » Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:01 pm

Correction: If you want.

Didn't found the edit button yet.
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Matching folders

Postby Luuk » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:02 am

It would be good if the administrators can delete that picture showing the everything.exe because its very, very misleading.
It does present folders that should-be renamed, but it also presents folders that should NOT be renamed like H05-089 (2000).
So the previous "Mask" example Im giving earlier, will not conduct properly because its trusting the picture!

I did just look at the video so now it does seem like, anything that was numbered, is also numbered correctly.
But I would definitely not be clicking onto each Tier sub-folder, and then conducting ~400 each time.
Its much better to only click the "Ordenacao" folder, and then to just conduct them all.

I can provide a better Mask, but Im not getting enough answers to make a better one, so far Im only noticing...
Format-1: 1Alpha2Digits-3Digits-4Digits
Format-2: 1Alpha2Digits-4Digits-5Digits

The 1Alpha is always uppercase, and there was no exceptions with the digits, but I cannot see all of your folders!
If there are exceptions, you will have to say them here, so then and I could change the Mask to your descriptions.

So for right now, Im just assuming there is never to be any exceptions to the 2-formats that Im posting up above.
Im also recommend some extra settings that I believe will give you more confidence when renaming so many folders..

Inside of RegEx(1) first to put a checkmark inside for "v2" then a "Match" like... \x20\(\d{6,7}\)$
Filters(12) need checkmarks inside of "Folders", "Subfolders", "Match Case", and "RegEx" and Lvl==3.
The Filters(12) "Mask" to look like... ^[A-Z]\d\d-(\d{3}-\d{4}|\d{4}-\d{5})( \(\d{6,7}\))?$
Nubering(10) should use all of the same settings, except that Start==1 !

Then to click the "Ordenacao" folder in your folder-tree, and wait for all of the matching folder-names to be presented.
The red-parts of the match will include folder-names that were already numbered with either 6-or-7 padding at the end.
Im including it just to show how all of these settings will be conducted together....

The first thing to happen, but you wont see it, is that RegEx(1) will remove any trailing " (numbers)" when its either 6-or-7 padding.
Then Numbering(10) puts back the exact same (numbers), so if any folders were already numbered, they wont present any changes!
But if any folders still need numbering, they will resume counting with the correct (numbers) at the end.

This does depend on your folders being sorted properly, and the "Mask" might be missing some folder-names that I never saw!
A good way to test this Mask, would be with folders where everything has already been properly (numbered) at the end.
Then you could scroll to the bottom, and if no folders did present any changes, then the Mask is matching everything.

Another way is picking 1-folder to remove its " (number)", then verifying its the only one that would get re-numbered.
Another thing you could do, is just remove the checkmark from RegEx(1), and see how the (numbers) would repeat at the end.
If its me, Im just patiently wait for all of the folders to present, and then numbering them all at once, after previewing.

Some people do prefer to only rename a few-thousand at a time, so this is another setting, that you probably wont need?
Bru can remember the last count by putting a checkmark inside for the menu... "Renaming options, Retain AutoNumber".
But really this is only helpful, if you prefer renaming in smaller batches, instead of all-at-once?

If its me, I would only use the red-parts in the "Mask", if conducting a folder like "Ordenacao" where the numbering is incomplete.
If conducting folders that were never numbered, there is no need for the red-parts, unless planning to rename in smaller batches.

If renaming in smaller batches, you could include the red-parts to "remember" the count, but this would also present more folders.
So with small batches, you can remove the red-parts to only present non-numbered folders, and instead rely on "Retain AutoNumber".
Really a lot of this is just preference, so Im often just experiment with different methods and then decide.. Good luck!
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Re: Renaming a folder with parentheses at the end [+BRU Support]

Postby Admin » Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:06 am

Hi, I have deleted the Everything.exe picture as requested.
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Matching many folders

Postby Luuk » Thu Sep 01, 2022 8:38 am

For anybody who is curious, this a description of similiar folder-paths with folder-names that rducas is wanting to get numbered...

...............\..1-Folder..\..312-SubFolders..\..each with 5-Folders..\...each with ~400 FoldersNames.............(Numbering) to suffix
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..A01-001 (2000)..\......Tier1 thru 5......\..A01-001-0001 thru A01-001-0400.........(000001) thru (002000)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..(10 more until)...\.............................................................................(002001) thru (022400)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..A12-012 (2000)..\......Tier1 thru 5......\..A01-012-0001 thru A01-012-0400.........(022401) thru (024000)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..B01-013 (2000)..\......Tier1 thru 5......\..B01-013-0001 thru B01-013-0400.........(024001) thru (026000)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..(10 more until)...\.............................................................................(026001) thru (046000)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..B12-025 (2000)..\......Tier1 thru 5......\..B01-025-0001 thru B01-025-0400.........(046001) thru (048000)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\.(287 more until)..\..............................................................................(048001) thru (622000)
C:\SomePath\....Main....\..Z12-312 (2000)..\......Tier1 thru 5......\..Z12-312-0001 thru Z12-312-0400.........(622001) thru (624000)

Except folders-names might also end with 4Digits-5Digits, and its unknown if there can be other folders?
So really the main question is... How to present only the folders-names that should be numbered?
There is usually ~3/4 million folder-names to be numbered, below each of the "..Main.." folders.

If the computer is too slow to wait for ~3/4 million to be presented, you cannot use the regex-experiment.
Instead, I would probably just rely on the menu setting for... "Renaming Options, Retain AutoNumber".
But still the question is, how many folders should be conducted at once??

To rename ~24.000 folders at once, you could use a "Mask" more like... ^[A]\d\d-(\d{3}-\d{4}|\d{4}-\d{5})$
This would only present your non-numbered folders that start with A after clicking onto the "..Main.." folder

After renaming, then change A ==> B for the next ~24.000 and Retain AutoNumber saves your Start==number.
Of course with this method, it will be very important to conduct renames in the proper ABCD...Z order.

To rename ~100.000 folders at once, you could use a Mask more like... ^[A-D]\d\d-(\d{3}-\d{4}|\d{4}-\d{5})$
So then the next rename, change A-D ==> E-H, or whatever ranges might be the best for your computer.

Both of these Masks depend on the only 2-formats that I have seen so far, but its very easy to modify them.
They are being very careful, because not knowing if there can be more folders that should not be renamed.
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