Delete everything after pattern with RegEx

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Delete everything after pattern with RegEx

Postby vilamonster » Thu Nov 21, 2024 2:59 am

I am trying to remove everything after a certain pattern. The pattern is similar to S05E02 (season 05 episode 02)
The pattern could be anywhere in the filename. Usually in the middle.

I tried this: S\d{2}E\d{2}(.*)

But, I am not getting the results I want.
I apologize if this is very simple. Have tried many times and can't get it to work.

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Re: Delete everything after pattern

Postby Admin » Thu Nov 21, 2024 8:14 am

If you have a file name like:

Text1 S05E02 Text2.ext

and want to crop everything after S##E## where # is a digit, then use:

RegEx(1) [enable v2 flag]
Match: (.*)(S\d{2}E\d{2})(.*)
Replace: \1\2


Match: (.*)(S\d{2}E\d{2})(.*)


This matches any sequence of characters, including none at all (greedy match).
It captures this sequence into Group 1.


This matches a specific pattern:
S: The literal character S.
\d{2}: Exactly two digits.
E: The literal character E.
\d{2}: Exactly two digits.

For example, this matches strings like S01E01, S99E99, etc.
It captures this part into Group 2.


This again matches any sequence of characters, including none at all (greedy match).
It captures this sequence into Group 3.

In essence, this regex breaks the string into three parts:

Group 1: Anything before the SXXEXX pattern.
Group 2: The SXXEXX pattern itself.
Group 3: Anything after the SXXEXX pattern.

Replace: \1\2

\1: Refers to the content captured in Group 1 (everything before SXXEXX).
\2: Refers to the content captured in Group 2 (the SXXEXX pattern itself).
The replacement string omits Group 3, effectively removing everything after the SXXEXX pattern while retaining the prefix and the matched SXXEXX pattern.

Input String:
"Hello S01E01 World"

Match Breakdown:
Group 1: "Hello "
Group 2: "S01E01"
Group 3: " World"
Output (After Replacement):
"Hello S01E01"
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Re: Delete everything after pattern with RegEx

Postby Admin » Thu Nov 21, 2024 8:38 am

BTW it can also be done using Replace (3) instead:

Replace: S??E?? *
With: S**E**

Replaces S??E?? followed by a space and some text, with just S**E** (the pattern itself but without following text).
? stands for a single character while * is a string of characters.
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Re: Delete everything after pattern with RegEx

Postby vilamonster » Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:31 am

OH wow, this is so great!

Thanks, you have saved me a lot of work and I learned something new.

I really appreciate it. :)
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 11, 2024 4:27 pm

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