As it was, I moved a file to a new folder.
Since BRU had not been reopened, its folder tree did not update to reflect that newly created folder (as it was).
(I could have done Ctrl+F5 to refresh the tree - but I had forgotten about that.
Display refresh problem.)
After the successful move, I was then wanting to further manipulate the files in that newly created folder.
As it was, I was not even using the folder tree at all.
Instead, I was pasting (&/or paste & adjust) the new folder location into the "Folder bar", & hitting enter.
With that, BRU, at that point, still did not know of the folders existence, even though what I had typed in was correct & valid, & I did not realize that BRU was either immediately upon me hitting <CR>, or at some later time, like if I hit Refresh in 12:Filters, was changing the (what it saw as invalid) path to the parent path (which BRU was aware of), of my entry - which... confused me, till I realized just what was going on.
-> Move to
At that point in time, BRU is not aware of c:/tmp/new/ existence.
So if I to peruse the folder tree, c:/tmp/new/ would not display - yet it is there.
And, if I were to type c:\tmp\new - which is there, into the 'Folder bar' & hit <CR>, the Folder bar is apt to change (own its own