Change break point for name and extension

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Change break point for name and extension

Postby Stefan » Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:02 pm

I'd like to suggest an new function.
change the sign for what is name part and what is extension.

I have this file:

KaI TrAcId - The Worst Pain Of All.Txt

Now i want only the Artist upper case.
The title i want sentence case (first word only)
Kai Tracid - The worst pain of all.Txt


Therefor i found an function in an another renamer:
change the char how define what is prefix and what is suffix.

With this function we could do this:

1. start with KaI TrAcId - The Worst Pain Of All.Txt

2. lower case hole prefix till last point
kai tracid - the worst pain of all.Txt

3. change break point to '-' char (all bevor - is now the name/prefix)

4. Title case the prefix (all first char upper case)
Kai Tracid - the worst pain of all.Txt

5. Sentence case the suffix (extension)
Kai Tracid - The worst pain of all.txt

6. change break point back to last point char

7. upper case the extension
Kai Tracid - The worst pain of all.TXT

How needful is this for others ?
But i think it's much harder to code than to wrote this :D
With this function BRU is an much better partner
for my MP3 tagger tools.

Would you give it an try, Jim ?
Posts: 736
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:46 pm
Location: Germany, EU

Postby Admin » Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:35 pm

Hi Stefan,

BRU was never really designed for processing MP3 files, and there are much better programs than BRU for MP3. BRU was designed for general tidying-up of filenames. I think suggestion could prove very complex to develop, and it might also be difficult for many users to understand.

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