Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

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Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

Postby madoues » Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:10 am


I have used BRU on occasion to rename files when I have many to be done and am happy with the way it has been working for me. However, I have hit a snag.

I have over 2,000 files to rename. They are all mp3s and are in their respective subfolders of which there are over 100.
Many have the same filename, so I can't just move them to the same folder to rename them and then move them back.
So I tried to use the "import text file pairs" which I have used successfully in the past. However, this time, I included the subfolders in the rename pairs thinking it would do the job, but it hasn't worked so far. Is this supposed to be possible with BRU? If yes, is there anything special to watch out for in the syntax?

I remember making a windows bat file for something like this way back, that would be my next attempt if BRU doesn't work out for me.

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Re: Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

Postby Emerkamp » Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:50 am


I'm not understanding this part:
I have over 2,000 files to rename. They are all mp3s and are in their respective subfolders of which there are over 100.
Many have the same filename, so I can't just move them to the same folder to rename them and then move them back.

You shouldn't have to move them to any folder to rename.
Just select your root folder, Untick folders>> Tick Files>> Tick Subfolders. This will list all files no matter their depth.

As for .txt pairs bru matches ---> Oldname | Newname <--- from a list. I don't remember seeing path in the help manual.
The files you see in the window, select all, right click and copy filename list to clipboard. Then paste into notepad++.
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Re: Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

Postby madoues » Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:06 am


Many files have the same name: Track 01, or something similar.
The folder name is the album and/or artist.
I have all the song names in a text file, with their corresponding folder for renaming file according to their song name.

When I display all these 2000+ files at the same time by checking subfolder in the filters section of BRU,
and since there are more than one song that have the same name,
the parent directory name of that file will have to be specified in the text file will it not,
otherwise how will BRU know which file goes with which newname, if that file has the same name as another file?

Does BRU not allow this with text files?
The only possible other solution that I can see is that the text file must list the files in the same sort order as BRU is currently displaying.
Is this the case?

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Re: Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

Postby Emerkamp » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:44 am


The only possible other solution that I can see is that the text file must list the files in the same sort order as BRU is currently displaying.
Is this the case?

This would be my guess, though I haven't tried this. Maybe you can test with a small sample.

BRU can't move or create subfolders as of yet. I think it's been planned for a while now.
I find TagScanner 6 much better for renaming or moving music around in subfolders with, though you need good tags for this to work good. MP3Tag is another good one.
Both are free.
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Re: Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

Postby Panchdara » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:05 am

Madoues - try Tag&Rename. Not sure how many the trial will handle, but I've used it on over 20,000 MP3/FLAC files. You can rename based upon tag data. Perhaps it might be of some value? :?:
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Re: Using text file to rename including files in subfolders

Postby madoues » Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:32 am

Finally, I just made sure that there were no doubles and renamed with subfolders checked and it worked as before.
It would have saved me quite a bit of time to be able to include folder names, but it's done now, so I'm ok.

Thanks for all your input.

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Joined: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:56 am

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