Repl.(3) function stopped working

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Repl.(3) function stopped working

Postby ralphgarcia » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:51 pm

I am a newbie. I am working on a project that requires file names that are very similar except for the leading part. I was successfully replacing the leading part of multiple files names. I did this a few times but now, BRU is not working. I am using the latest version: 2,7,1,3 with Win8 Enterprise, 64bit.


must change to :

With these filenames highlighted in the upper right corner box:
1) in the Replace box I typed: name1
2) in the With box I typed: name2
3) clicked on R box

The rows under the New Name column were changing as I typed name2. Then when I clicked on R, the rows under the Name column and the rows under New Name column updated with name1 changing to name2

This worked as expected a few times. But now clicking on R clears the values typed into the Relace and With boxes and no changes are made to the files names.

This is the only feature I have tried. I was very careful not to change the other default values. I uninstalled BRU and reinstalled it with no improvement.
Is this a bug? Or am I an idiot? (I hope I am an idiot :shock: )

BTW, I am very impressed with this utility when it is working.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:11 pm

Re: Repl.(3) function stopped working

Postby Stefan » Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:23 pm

That is what the [R] is supposed to do: resetting the entered values to the default 'nothing'.

As the help states:
The Main Screen

Command Buttons

· R - at the top of each group of controls there is a button entitled simply R. This will reset the criteria in that particular box.

Perhaps something other is going on? Please read the help again to get familiar with BRU.

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Re: Repl.(3) function stopped working

Postby ralphgarcia » Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:17 am

Well I was an Idiot.

Somehow I got into my head that the R button stood for Replace. On the first day I used BRU, day, when BRU was working as expected, I was clicking the Rename button as required. The next day, I must have had a stoke and started clicking the R (reset) button by mistake.

Thank you Steran for you quick resonse.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:11 pm

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