Bulk Rename Utility version released

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Bulk Rename Utility version released

Postby Admin » Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:27 am

We have released Bulk Rename Utility version

Download the new version and give it a try!

Changes log:
http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Down ... ngelog.pdf

What's new in version 3.1:

Improved 'Bulk Rename Here' Extension
Improvements to file/folder selection in the 'Bulk Rename Here' extension for Windows Explorer :
The files that are selected in Windows Explorer are now also automatically selected in Bulk Rename Utility after clicking on 'Bulk Rename Here'.
The selected files/folders are added to the already running Bulk Renamed Utility if it is already open.

Windows High-Contrast Support
Issues with High-Contrast mode were fixed (dark background).

High DPI Settings Support
Added full support for high-resolution displays / high DPI settings in Windows.

Bigger / Smaller Fonts in User Interface
Added the ability to select a bigger font (zoom in) or a smaller font (zoom out) for the Bulk Rename Utility user-interface.

Repositioning Items in File List
Added the ability to re-position items in the file list, using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+Up (Up), Ctrl+Alt+Down (Down), Ctrl+Alt+PgUp (Move Top), Ctrl+Alt+PgDown (Move Bottom), and also to swap items and to remove some or all items from the file list.

Show Only Items Affected by Renaming Criteria
Added the new option to show only items affected by renaming criteria in the file list.

Allow Using Backslash '\' in Renaming Criteria for Creation of New Folders
This option can create new folders during renaming. With this option enabled in Bulk Rename Utility, if the new resulting file name contains a backslash \, then a new folder is created, instead of just considering the file name invalid. So for example, if you had a file called a.txt and your renaming criteria caused the file name a.txt to become 20190801\a.txt, then a new folder 20190801\ is created and the file a.txt is moved in there. This is called 'folderize'.

Expand File List
Added the possibility to expand the file list and to hide some renaming controls that might be unnecessary.

Added Status Column Populated After Renaming
New column contains rename status after renaming operation, e.g. OK or Error with error cause.

Ignore Errors During Renaming
Added capability to ignore all errors and continue during file renaming.

Remember Last Path Selected
Bulk Rename Utility now remembers the last path used when starting.

Import Rename Pairs Separated by Comma (CSV)
Renaming from a text file now supports comma-separated files (CSV)

Fixed Icon Issue on Windows 10
In certain situations, Bulk Rename Utility could freeze on Windows 10 if file icons were displayed in the file list. This has been fixed.

Fixed Large Zip File Issue
In certain situations, Bulk Rename Utility could freeze if large ZIP files were present in the file list. This has been fixed.

Bug Fixes Reported by Users
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