Feedback in long searches

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Feedback in long searches

Postby JPGRMartin » Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:12 pm

If the "Subfolders" is selected in Filters(12) field, with or without a mask, the search can take a while. That's OK and understandable. But there is ALMOST NO FEEDBACK to the user that anything is going on! You may be led to think there is no file/folder matching the mask!

If you look very carefully, there is a faint indication at the bottom right of the screen that a search is been done, but it is coverd by the banner "Bulk Rename Utility is free for personal non/commercial......"

My suggestion is simply either one of
1) Make the banner clickable to make it disappear after reading it.
2) Make the banner shorter so at the right of it the search is displayed.
3) Display symbol (a swirling circle, a flashing text, or something dynamic that catches your eye

that indicates the search is still on.
Thanks for a remarkable program!
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Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:59 pm

Re: Feedback in long searches

Postby therube » Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:51 pm

(Without commenting about BRU, specifically) I'm of the general opinion that a UI should display busy cursor while content is loading.
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: Feedback in long searches

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 02, 2020 11:50 pm

Hi, the progress is currently shown in the taskbar at the bottom only (but that taskbar should not be covered or unreadable, could you send a screenshot, please?)
- The file list is not updated while items are loading because that slows down the search significantly
- The cursor is not shown as busy because the search can be canceled at any point as it is a multitask operation that makes BRU a lot more responsive, e.g. you can click on a different folder without waiting.

But from the taskbar itself, it should be clear items are loading.
Site Admin
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