Thanks again!

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Thanks again!

Postby RealGrouchy » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:57 am

I just donated another $50 in appreciation for this program.

I originally discovered BRU when my camera's counter reset after 9999 and I needed to insert more digits into the filenames. I've also been using it to give more consistent names to images from my webcams so they can sort chronologically.

Now it has saved me once again, because I had a thousand photos all over my filesystem with duplicate serial numbers. BRU is really good at being able to index all my files so I can see all the files in the hundreds of subfolders, sorted in one big bunch.

(The only glitch I had is if I select files that are in more than one subfolder and copy them while viewing them in BRU, when I try to paste it into Windows 8 file explorer it is only looking for the files in the folder of the first file. And a feature request would be a button to deselect all the options but still keep all the values in each of the options, so I can reenable them one at a time and not worry about having one accidentally active.)

Thanks again for making BRU available!

- RG>
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 5:44 am

Re: Thanks again!

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:07 am

Thank you very much!
Site Admin
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