Changing Timestamp

Post any Bulk Rename Utility support requirements here. Open to all registered users.

Postby BRUFolio » Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:14 pm

I just donated again. this is a very wonderful product. I believe in supporting software that i use....

I'll be promoting donation to others that i tell about BRU,,,,
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Postby Admin » Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:17 pm

Okay, I've done a lot of work on this tonight, getting rid of SYSTEMTIME structures and replacing them with FILETIME structures. The new beta is on the website.

I have done limited testing (it's getting late),a nd everything seems to work okay. I have checked:

- The dates in the columns
- The Change Attributes dialog box
- The Date Taken (for pictures)
- Setting timestamps to Current and Fixed and No Change
- Adding Autodate text for all combinations

All this has been done in GMT+1 timezone, and again in GMT-5 (USA).

Who knows, when you test it, it might be no different, and might still have the problem. But hopefully not!

Anyway.....over to you :-) And thank you!

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Postby BRUFolio » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:33 pm

Looks good, here is what is happening:

TimeStamp one-hour differential

I set the timestamp dialog to 2:10:07

I click OK

The timestamps all show to be 3:10:07

I look at the timestamp dialog and it has been changed to 3:10:07

I set the times in the dialog up to 4 and back to 2, or i set it down to 1 and back to 2, then click OK

The preview shows 3:10:07

I look at the dialog again and it has again upped the hour by one in the dialog.

So, i say to myself, i'll fool it, i'll set it one hour lower than what i really want to change the timestamp to, and sure enough it works,,,,

BUT, I cannot look at the timestamp dialog and press OK or it will -- every time i do so -- up the hour setting in the dialog.

so, it appears that you are very close. it is displaying what the dialog is set at, but the dialog is upping the hour every time the OK button is pressed, even when i don't change any setting, just open the timestamp dialog and press OK....

the filedate stamps are not affected in this manner, nor are the minutes and seconds. this makes sense as the new work you have done concerns the hour settings,,,,


The auto-date is not working properly. I can add a separator of an underscore, but when i enter the second underscore, it fails to preview the new filename, but if i use backspace to delete the second underscore it again previews the new name. If i add several underscores, it will not preview the new name until i start removing them with the backspace...

Mode, Type, Format settings to not affect this above action.

Century seems to not be working????

Now, after all that previewing, i tried to actually perform the rename action using auto-date. if i try it during the moment that the new name column displays no change, the rename action indeed does not insert the date into the filename and BRU tells me that no file was renamed, but the date/time stamps were changed correctly.

If i try to rename with the new name column showing a new name i get the "access to an unnamed file was denied" error message -- or -- at least -- i did the first time. subsequent tries are now renaming the files.

Overall, this Auto-Date seems a bit buggy at the moment...
Not behaving as in previous releases.
Probably some easy fix,,,

I am very encouraged to see that it is accurately previewing what the dialog box is set to. I can open the timestamp dialog, and click cancel and what i saw in the dialog is what i am seeing in the columns, that is a huge improvement...
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Postby BRUFolio » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:40 pm


i think the only time i am getting the "access to an unnamed file" error is when i am renaming a file that is already set to R/O and my attribute dialog is set to SET read/only,,,,,
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Postby Admin » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:49 pm

Hi again,

I set the timestamp dialog to 2:10:07

I click OK

The timestamps all show to be 3:10:07

I had this whilst developing it, but I fixed it, and now I cannot recreate it. What are your *exact* timezone settings?

the filedate stamps are not affected in this manner, nor are the minutes and seconds. this makes sense as the new work you have done concerns the hour settings,,,,
Not quite. The entire timestamp is held as a single number - look at the large numbers in your Favourites file.


Yes I can re-create this. I'm not surprised, as this bit wasn't touched last night. I'll get this fixed. Likewise with the Century thing.

The "accessed to unnamed file" is a pain. And to be perfectly honest, if I don't get a resolution to this I'm going to strip out all the date-stamp stuff and forget about it.

Many thanks for testing. However I think it'll all be worthless, as I'll probably revert back to an earlier version. I can't recreate the odd timestamp issues you are seeing, and I'm losing enthusiam.

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Postby Admin » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:56 pm

These are the settings I'm using, and where I cannot recreate the problem:

Out of curiosity, can you delete your Bulk Rename Utility.ini file, and whatever Favourite file you are using.

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Postby BRUFolio » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:33 pm

I removed my .ini file. i have no .bru files on my hard drive anywhere.
i have not used any favorite files as of yet....

same results.

Here are my settings and timezone:



You are correct that it is affecting the dates also. When i set my settings to 23 hours as yours are, it does increment the date up when it goes to 0 from 23.

I had this whilst developing it, but I fixed it, and now I cannot recreate it.

A possible clue here. whatever it was you did that fixed it is not fixing it with me, might be something related.

another thought, is the Windows XP possibly different in Europe than what we get here in USA?

DON'T GET DISCURAGED and lose your enthusiasm.

it may be time to take some time off and let this settle. something will pop into your mind over the weekend while not even programming and you'll be glad that you didn't strip out all that code or start work in another area on an older version....

if you fix the auto-date part, and are left with only two bugs, i can live with them on my part, and as long as you document them, other users can too:

errata doc text could say this:

bug 1: set hour one hour less than you wish IF you experience this problem.

bug 2: do not attempt to set a R/O file to R/O, first set all files to be changed to R/W, then change their attributes.

as time goes by, other users report, and you will fix these two,,,

BRU is worth every penny i have donated and more,,,

give it a rest, you have earned it...
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Postby Admin » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:36 pm

It's the same version of XP.

What I might do, if you don't mind, is send you a debug version. What this does is write a whole load of audit informtion into a couple of text files. I'll get it to write thinsg like the return codes form the "change timestamp" dialog boxes, and then get you to run some certain sequences like entering the dlaigog, making no changes, then leaving the dialog, etc. etc.

Let me know if you'd be happy to participate in this.


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Postby BRUFolio » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:37 pm

a couple more thoughts:

bug 1: an option could be included, perhaps a check-box on the time-date-stamp dialog to rollback one hour if the user is experiencing this roll-forward anomaly.

bug 2: could not BRU simply always set any renamed file to R/W first, and then set to R/O if the set-to-R/O is checked?
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Postby BRUFolio » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:39 pm

Happy? I'd be honored. send it on...

you have my email adr with my forum registration i believe...
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